Artikel ni ayah suruh aku baca sebab aku nda berapa layan tiap kali dia suruh aku makan spirulina...
jadi aku fikir.. ada baiknya aku kongsikan artikel ni.. mana tau ada yang nda terbaca borneo post kan... hehhehe..
Aku nda tau la sejauh mana kesasihannya, kalau akhbar ni tipu.. maknanya tipu la juga aku..
Artikel dari The Borneo Post Keluaran Saturday, July 11, 2009
Title: Spirulina Inhibits H1N1 Virus, Says researcher
By: Chok Sim Yee
Kota Kinabalu: Phycocyanin found in spirulina has the ability to inhibit infection and reproduction of the Influenza A (H1N1) virus, claimed Dr Yasumasa Kodo, a researcher from Osaka in Japan.
"it was reported in the Journal of Medicinal Food that spirulina significantly increases the production of cytokins, thus enhancing immune responses," he said.
"Most importantly, the presence of phycocyanin pigment in spirulina gives it antiviral and antimutagenic properties," he said during a presentation yesterday.
Kodo said latest discovery showed that reproduction of the H1N1 virus was found to be under control when the extract of spirulina was added to cells before and after they were infected with the virus.
He added the three most talked about viruses at present were Influeanze A (H1N1), dengue fever and hand, foot and mouth disease.
"And the ways to protect ourselves from these superviruses are to ensure a balances nutrition, enhance our immunity system and maintan a healthy body pH as high body acidity attracts diseases and viruses," he said, adding that superviruses had the ability to cross over from one host to another as well as the ability to start an epidemic or pandemic," said Dr Yasumasa.
"The most practical way is to add spirulina to your diet to provide balanced nutrition and to enhance immunity by activating your immunity cells.
"Spirulina, which is 100 percent alkaline and natural, contains nutriens such as proteins, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals.
"With daily consumption of spirulina, we can shift our body pH towards neutral and have well-balanced nutrition to compensate for a diet low in fruits and vegetables," he said, adding that the ideal diet should be made up of 80% alkaline-forming food and 20% acid forming-food.
Dr Yasumasa holds a Master in Chemistry from the University on California and a PhD in Bio-Organic Chemistry from Oxford University in London.
Nota kaki 1: aku ada terbaca juga pasal keasidan dan kealkalian badan.. keasidan badan tinggi maknanya akan lebih menarik jangkitan virus berbanding dengan badan yang mempunyai kealkalian tinggi... Nota kaki 2: siapa-siapa berminat mau mendapatkan spirulina.. boleh tinggalkan pesan di ruangan komen atau pun di cbox... (he he he.. sempat lagi aku promo)...
Nota kaki 3: kalau pregnant woman makan spirulina nda apa apa ka ah? sebab aku takut anything happen sama baby.. jadi aku ckp ngan ayah.. tunggu lepas aku beranak dulu.. baru makan spirulina nih.. boleh ker?
My staff was crying herself sick on Tuesday morning...was told that her son was confirmed of H1N1 in his Uni at Kangar, Perlis...worse was that when he was bedridden 2 days the warden didnt even bother to sent to hospital till his dad came fm KL and with his friends assistance brought him to GH Kangar....
No one bothered in the hospital and he was put in the normal ward for another 2 days!!! (imagine the amount of people he has infected!!) .....
after 2 days and his eyes were turning yellow and saliva greenish...he was put in quarantined room... Called his mom to say...minta maaf and ampun la dosa dia, etc...she practically fainted just telling me the story.. cant do much cos she x have enough money to go to the north with the father...
First thing we did was made her call the hospital and insist that they sent him to Sg.Buloh Hospital or any other hospital in KL since they seemed to be more alert and more equipt...they refused of course...
so I sent her off to Kangar the same day to solve the problem.
EAT MINIMUM 6 GREEN APPLES A DAY AND FRESH ORANGE JUICE for those with sore throat please blend the apples and keep on taking till your fever disappear and yr symtoms are gone....
I cannot explain it but the child in Shah Alam was ok too after taking this tip.... staff's son was given the apple juice for the whole day on Monday/Tuesday and he was out of the fever yesterday Wednesday....
she called me and was crying on the phone to say that her son was out of ICU and was able to eat normally...
all these happened within just 4 days today (thursday 6 august)...
This is just to share with my fellow sisters and brothers and hope this small info could assist others as well
Nota Kaki 1: GREEN apples or RED APPLES....apples are indeed high in anti-oxidant...anti oxidant is good for normalise n increase our bodyNota Kaki 2: siapa-siapa yang ada sore throat atau selesema sekarang ni better amalkan makan apple ni lah rasanya.. kan ada pepatah mengatakan " an apple a day can keep the doctor away".. apa apa pun selamat mencuba..
Nota Kaki 3: Wabak H1N1 sekarang ni sudah menjadi semakin menular dan kronik.. namun ramai yang masih lagi bersikap relaks.. masih ada ibubapa yang membawa anak-anak kecil mereka ke klinik atau hospital tanpa memakai mask.. sedangkan yang sakit bukan si anak.. mereka dengan leka dan sewenang-wenangnya membiarkan anak-anak kecil berlarian ke sana sini di hospital / klinik terbabit.. walhal mereka syok bercerita dengan kawan... aduhh.. apa nak jadi...
Nota kaki 4: kalau mau mencari green apple atau red apple tu.. sila JANGAN tinggalkan komen di sini ya.. sebab apple banyak di jual di pasar-pasaraya Giant.. Survey.. Standard.. Ngiu Kee.. malah kedai-kedai runcit pun ada menjual apple.. he he he
Nota kaki 5: Nanti klu ada tips lagi aku share kan di blog nih..
1 ulasan:
Salaam Ika,
Lepas baca your entry, sy harus bersetuju, your blog is so informative! Congratulations. Mohon meminjam idea daripada entry H1N1, bolehkah? Sy sgt berkenan tentang khasiat Spirulina. Masa belajar di UMS dulu (bidang Sains Makanan dan Pemakanan) memang terbukti kesahihan dan keupayaan Spirulina sebagai agen meningkatkan sistem daya tahan badan. Bah, jangan lupa minum banyak air ahh.. :)
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